ItsLittany a.k.a Marc, currently lives in Yorkshire, England and works as a Supply Analyst full time and keeps his coding antics as a hobby.
His stream is usually split between various games, mainly First Person Shooters and working on a variety of challenges and projects. ItsLittany's current long term project is named Omniworlds RPG which is a Discord and Twitch text based RPG system that is being developed in JavaScript, HTML, CSS and PHP.
ItsLittany is the epitomy of the phrase "Jack of all trades, master of none", throughout his 14 years of hobbiest development, he has, to some degree, worked in ActionScript, ASP Classic, Assembly, C++, COBOL, JavaScript, Lua, PHP, Python and VBScript. He is always looking to develop himself further and is open to suggestions for new projects, tools and languages to work with.