
Started playing around with computers and devices in the olden days or the early 1980s to those that were not there.

GOTO 2006 Copperbeardy resumed programming interest with and Java. In 2012 Copperbeardy embarked on a Bsc(Hons) Comp & IT degree with the Open university and graduated with a 2:1 in 2016.

After this he created and released GoMemory! Which is a memory recall game for Android devices. Still not able to find work due to health problems, he further went on to do his Msc Computer Science with University of Hertfordshire which he will complete in May 2020. Copperbeardy is also somewhat of a learning bug and regular take online courses (cough only 138 so far….).

Copperbeardy streams 2-3 days regularly a week, his streams are on Algebra/Calculus, code challenges and usually a project stream as well. These streams included the creation of an open sourced WPF application for measuring distances between GPS points.. Davin now mainly uses C# .

Copperbeardy has also recently become a Twilio Champion through his use of the Twilio technology on stream.

Copperbeardy has a fairly laid back approach to his streams and often talks about his struggle with his mental health problems in a hope that it will let people know mental health is nothing to be ashamed of.


  • C#
  • core
  • Twilio quest


  • Mon 1pm to 3pm BST
  • Tue 1pm to 3pm BST
  • Mon through Fri 8am to 9am BST